Hi! ツ We are having a HUGE SALE! yaayy! - 75% off!!! - All products!!!
Prices between 5 and 50 L! ✗ 48 HOURS ONLY ✗
Spend 200 L or more during the sale to be automatically entered to win 1000 store credits! 

Taxi to the store:    -CroM-

-CroM- Christmas Hunt 2015

Hi everyone! We are having a Christmas Hunt again!
5 Hats have being hidden at the store. 5 L each one! Come and find them!

               LANDMARK: -CROM- 

Don´t you like hunting? you can find all the items for 25 L at marketplace! LIMITED TIME!

New Dresses and offers!

Hi everyone! New release! 5 dresses
 5 dresses for only 99 L each one... or you can get Misty blue dress for only 35 L this week ;)

Everly Jeans Pink for only 35 L (one week promo)
and Fatpack Fanny Dresses for only 60 L!


New release! : Skirts

Hi everyone! New release!: 6 skirts
 Fatpack =299 L ... but you can get Black Kelly Skirt for only 50 L this week
 Sharon Monster Shirt for only 25 L!



New Dresses and Shirt PROMO!

Hi everyone! New releases and promos for this week!
New Fatpack Dresses: Shania. 350 L ( 6 Dresses) (Black, Pink,Gold, Blue, Beige and Brown)
but... only for this week, you can get Black Shania Dress for only 25 L!
 and we have another promo too!

 Freya Black shirt = 15 L!



-CroM- New subscriber GIFT!

Hi everyone!New subscriber GIFT!
A special Purple Dress, that you can get joining the subscriber!


Hi!! -CroM- has a new LM!

 Hi everyone! We´ve moved!! New store, new items and of course... new promos!
New Dress:

Promo: NEW Purple Dress for only 50 L!

-CroM- SALE!!!

Hi everyone! ツ We are having a HUGE SALE! Everything at the store is for less than 50 L! --- Only 72 hours!---

New items too!
Everly Jeans, for only 50 L each one (24 hours left!)


New Subscriber GIFT

Hi everyone! ツ New Subscriber GIFT!
Red Dress! 


-CroM- Spring HUNT

 Hi everyone! ツ We are having a SPRING HUNT ! ツ. ✰ Yayy time for a hunt again!Hunt Dates: April 02 - May 02
 8 flowers have been hidden at the store and these are the items:

6 L each one!
(You can get all for less than 50 L)

Hope you enjoy hunting them!


-CroM- Valentine HUNT

Hi everyone! We are having a Valentine HUNT!
You have to find 5 Hearts hidden at the store :)
These are the items:

( 5 L each one)

Hope you enjoy hunting them!


-CroM- New release!

Hi! New release! 5 Tops. 75 L each one :)